Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Three Caballeros and a Lady

I keep discovering new, unpublished Fred Moore drawings from the South American movies all the time. Fred was in high demand when it came to promote these films. This one is a real gem.

Donald, Panchito and Jose Carioca, each showing different attitudes. Beautiful!


  1. Hi Andrea, I've had this drawing on my pc for years, I don't remember where from. I was hoping my file would be better but it appears to be the exact same photo, with your file just being brightened and a bit lower res.
    How many other pictures do you have from this set? I have nine that appear to be drawn at the same time, I'm sure some of them came from this blog. I know of three that are drawn the same way, but with thicker inks, that have been published as publicity prints. And then two more that have been merged with photos of Aurora Miranda. And I'm sure many of the fully rendered/shaded ones are based on his sketch...
    Each one is a treasure, so I'd be very happy to find more! I don't scout the internet as much as I used to and there's so much material online by now.

    1. AndreaS, apologies! I have been talking about Mr. Blasich too much!

  2. Thank you so much for sharing these. Fred Moore is easily one my favorite artist but there's just so little of his work available (outside Disney films). I wish someone would pout an art book or a collection together.
