Friday, January 11, 2013

Young Lady

This lovely story sketch was drawn by Joe Rinaldi, whose work is frequently mistaken for Bill Peet's.
Both artists show a lot of confidence and flair in the lines they put on paper.
They were also able to get the essence of a situation into one sketch.
While Lady & Tramp was in production, Peet developed story sequences for Sleeping Beauty.
The drawing below from the opening sequence of the film is Rinaldi's as well.

Animator Ken O'Brien was inspired by live action reference for the scene in which Lady is being presented as a Christmas gift. The actress in the photo is Jane Boyd, who was an artist in the effects department. (When I started at Disney in 1980 Jane was doing effects for The Fox & the Hound.)
As you can see, O'Brien did beautiful work on the film's human characters. There is a nice cohesive and rhythmic quality to his drawings.

This article from Look Magazine talks about singer and songwriter Peggy Lee's involvement with Lady & Tramp.


  1. Ken O'Brian's drawing off the live action is wonderful. The live footage looks so mediocre in comparison.

    The opening sequences to most of the Disney features, the sequences where the characters are first introduced, have always been my favorite parts. This Lady opening certainly does not disappoint.

  2. I love when we get to see the live action inspiration with the actual animation. The animator always takes it to a whole new level of feeling and movement. As an young animation student, things like this really get me inspired!

    Joe Rinaldi's drawings of young lady are so incredible. I love getting to see story concepts and designs!

  3. Ken's drawing is really beautiful. Always really enjoy hearing about the unsung heros. Any chance you have other drawings of the unsungs like him of Nordberg, etc...?

  4. I've never heard that second verse of "The Siamese Cat Song" presented on the music sheet. I know songs go through many changes before they are finalized, but it's interesting that the a non-final version of the song would be published.

    Also, that drawing of Lady coming out of the hat box is beyond adorable!

    1. Those are the verses that are sung on the film soundtrack, as I recall.

  5. Awesome colors on notesheet (love also photgraphs colors and cloth style)! Who done the illustration on that?
