Thursday, September 12, 2013

Secretary Bird

I wonder if Milt Kahl ever saw this illustration by James A. Shepherd from his 1894 book "Zig Zags at the Zoo". No idea, if the vast Disney Library had a copy of it.
But it looks like the Shepherd drawing might have been inspirational for the design of the Secretary Bird in the film Bedknobs and Broomsticks. 
Milt Kahl animated most of the scenes with this character, who constantly has to put up with King Leonidas' volatile temper. The Lion's roar is so powerful, it repeatedly messes up the Secretary Bird's outfit. Those scenes where he puts himself together again, straightening out his tie and adjusting his cufflinks are among my favorites from Milt's later work.
I'd like to talk about these animated scenes in a future post.


  1. I look forward to see moore about this. Never seen that film. And heard about it just short time ago.

  2. Lieber Andreas,
    ab 26. September gibt es in Deutschland 'Das Dschungelbuch' endlich in High Def, ich werde fürs Radio einen bluray-Tipp produzieren mit Puffpengzack, Musik und Tönen.
    Deshalb frage ich auf diesem Weg wegen zwei 'internetten' Inteviewfragen.
    Wäre es möglich, zwei aktuelle kurze Einschätzungen von Dir, zu bekommen. 1) Wie ist die HD-Restaurierung gelungen? und 2) Bei welcher Szene sollen wir generell bei diesem Film besonders genau hinschauen? (Lieblingsszene!)
    Vielleicht hast Du kurz Zeit 2x 30 Sekunden ins Smartphone zu sprechen? und mir ein mp3 zukommen zu lassen? Das allgemeine Bonusmaterial ist nur in englisch und ohne synchronisieren zu müssen wäre es schöner und natürlich exklusiv und wertvoller :-) Und so eine Aufnahme klingt wunderbar, es muss kein Supermikrofon und Studio sein, ist aber umsoviel besser als über die dünne Telefonleitung.

    Das ist meine kleine Internethommage zur Dschungelbuch-Neuerscheinung:

    über den Kontaktlink auf der Seite ginge es, das kleine file per mail zu schicken. Es funktioniert aber auch ratzfatz über diesen link...
    Upload password: jungle...einfach draufloaden, das geht von überall ohne mail.
    Lieben Dank und ganz herzliche Grüße

  3. One of my fave Disney Character Designs. VA Lennie Weinrib (I think) gave him as much personality as Milt's animation =)

    1. He did the lion as well. Also did the cartoon lion version of The Fonz' in HB's 'Heeeey! It's The King',

  4. Somehow, those stilt-like legs provide so much balance :D

  5. He totally took it from Shepherd's drawing, I have no doubt! It's amazing to learn that they too were influenced and inspired by earlier artists and even borrowed from them.
    Thanks for posting this, Andreas. It made me feel good to learn that even geniuses like Milt would borrow from others.

  6. I've never thought that if a bird's wings are like his arms, they would naturally be positioned behind his back. Then in all the drawings of the Secretary Bird, that's EXACTLY where his arm placement is! Not only that, but they also have his jacket mimic the shape of an actual bird's wings!

    That's some NIIIIIICE STUFF going on there!
