Monday, November 4, 2013

Disney Vis Dev

The visual development artists that worked at Disney Studios over the years pioneered all kinds of different styles for characters as well as for environments. Sometimes their artistic vision made it intact into the final film, other times their work provided only a subtle influence. 
One thing is for certain, the range of expression was huge. What you see here are images that are realistic and tonal, others are graphic and flat. They all try to set a mood or illustrate a particular situation. Story people were involved in suggesting designs as well.
I thought it would be fun to show one….just one visual from each of the classic Disney films. Post one (of two) covers the features from Snow White, 1937,  to Mr Toad from 1949.


  1. Beautiful! Thx for sharing this... :))

  2. Yes, the range is inspiring! But I could stare at the light and darkness on those deer for hours. :D

  3. I enjoy looking at this more so because of the unusual style rather than the correct proportions. Also wanted to ask if it is still possible to be considered as a candidate for the new film. I was notified in mail only yesterday and had to wait for the ctn people to return to their offices today to clear my registration.

    Terence Daniels(wholebitmedia)

  4. Yay! Johnny Fedora and Alice Bluebonnet! That short has had a special place in my heart since I was a little girl.

    Bambi as usual has jaw-dropping beautiful concept art that fills me with peace and contentment when I look at them.

    Thank you for sharing the pictures!

  5. enjoying the surreal painting on the Baby Weems sketch. Diapers meets Dali...great stuff all around.I also like the stark contrast of the Mary Blair piece amongst these others. Thanks again!!

  6. This is fantastic! Thank you!

  7. Mark Mayerson wanted this message passed along to you-

  8. Gustaf Tenggren is such a damn grandmaster.

  9. Wish I knew who the artist for the 'Casey Jr' sketch was, but doesn't anyone else feel very inspired, and in such awe at the beautiful colours that combine very beautifully in the final film?

  10. Dear Mr. Deja, The concept of your current Mushka project is quite exciting. I am a recent graduate of Animation Mentor and unfortunately unable to attend CTN this year. Since there is no way to test courage cautiously, I will ask, is there another outlet to submit a portfolio for review?
