Saturday, August 3, 2024

Early Hercules

As mentioned in my previous Hercules post, I recently re-discovered early character designs which I thought had been lost. These marker drawings are less stylized than the final version, and Herc has longer hair. My thought here was that these curls would add follow through movement, and this sort of thing always loosens up your animation. But...he ended up with a haircut, because in all of those ancient Hercules statues the hair is pretty short.

After such a long time it's kind of funny to see how I started the character off. 



  1. This design is more handsome than the final one...did you purposely make him more innocent or cartoonish looking?

    1. We needed to stylize his design more so he would fit in with the other characters from the film.

  2. I have to say, that this version resembles Gaston. Anyway great job.
