Thursday, March 31, 2022

Doodles for The Fox & The Hound


These are various sketches by Ollie Johnston for his final animated film The Fox & the Hound (1981). I remember him saying that at the time his drawing hand wasn't steady anymore. Even more impressive when you look at these doodles, still full of life and personality.


  1. Couldn't agree more, their personality reads very clearly. I especially like the hound and how Ollie used every wrinkle to emphasize his expression. Nothing beats a loose sketch in terms of appeal, in my opinion.

    Hey, happy birthday Andreas! (even though I may be slightly early for the LA time.)

    1. Well, at this time I was already born in Poland.
      Being April 1st, the nurse told my dad way back that he got twins.

    2. "Honey, I'm in labour!"
      "A-ha sure you are, darling. That one never gets old."

  2. I just wanted to clock in with a big thank you for what you share. I love the rough sketches whether by Milt, Ollie or yourself. Happy Birthday

  3. Happy Birthday Mr Deja! :)

    „Zu Deinem Geburtstag wünsch' ich Dir
    nur Gutes komm' zu Deiner Tür.
    Auf jeden Weg, zu jeder Zeit,
    sei Gottes Segen Dein Geleit!“

    „...Dass Dir alle Türen offen stehen,
    All Deine Probleme im Winde verwehn,
    Glück und Frohsinn Dich stets begleiten,
    Und Dir ein wundervolles Lebensjahr bereiten.“

    I think many readers agree with me when I write
    „...Wie schön, dass Du geboren bist
    Wir hätten Dich Doch sehr vermisst...“
    (by Rolf Zuckowski) :)

    Thank you for this post! :) Old memories come up to me. This saved my week! :)

  4. I really enjoy Fox and the Hound, and I know it is considered a lesser of the Disney classics, but there is a sweetness to it, and the realness of these characters is very effective. You are right those little drawings are charming, and show his skill even as he had trouble with his hands
