Tuesday, November 21, 2023

The Art of Walt Disney, Signed and Illustrated


Books on Disney animation are a real treasure. And Christopher Finch's 1973 edition of "The Art of Walt Disney" is no exception. This was the first Disney book I owned way back. I had to have the German bookstore order it from the US, it took forever to get there.

Heritage Auctions is currently offering a lovely edition full of signatures and drawings. The original owner was a Disney cameraman who had worked at the studio from Snow White on.

There is a Marc Davis Thumper, an Eric Larson Roquefort and a Milt Kahl Medusa.

Talking about Medusa, I am trying to locate a special Milt drawing of her, in which she puts on lipstick. Rendered in felt pen and grey markers I remember seeing it many years ago. It is one of those Kahl masterpieces in staging and draughtsmanship. As soon as I find it I will post it here.


  1. it's a little sad when personal things like this go on auction

  2. Wow this is beautiful! Even some of the Nine Old Men still had that charm when doing these drawings, including Milt's Medusa(!).

  3. Das ist wirklich was schönes Intimes!😍... Für mich persönlich ist es immer wichtig zu erfahren wie die Signaturen, also in welchem Zusammenhang diese Zeichnungen entstanden. Was für ein Verhältnis zwischen Zeichner und Empfänger bestand. Daher empfinde ich genauso, als würde es sich um Signaturen von Künstler handeln, die speziell für mich gezeichnet wurden: Also um so perönlicher um so persönlich wertvoller!
    Da wünscht sich jeder Sammler, hoffentlich kommen die in gute Hände und verschwinden nicht nur als reine Wertanlage für immer in einen Safe...🤷
