Saturday, October 9, 2021



This post is a little more personal than what I usually present here. I just returned from a quick trip to Germany in order to say Goodbye to my mother. Got there just in time, she passed away last Sunday morning at the age of 90. I loved my mother. She was affectionate and loving toward her children and grandchildren. She also had an uncanny sense of humor. The way she observed people and situations around her was utterly unique. We as a family would be rolling on the floor laughing based on her comments, but my mom had no idea where the humor was in what she just said. 

I drew this sketch of her and me (based on a vintage photo from around 1958) just before I moved to America. She kept it on a wall in her retirement home.

The last three years have been very difficult for my mom and for myself. I've lost both of my sisters, Regina and Christa to various cancers. (My dad died in 1997). 

So you find yourself alone in representing your family. Thank God for my awesome nieces, who also showed up at my mom's bedside. I am so proud of them, one is a top notch doctor at a Freiburg hospital, one is a teacher, and the youngest one is a social worker.

My mom was a devout catholic. A little prayer would be much appreciated.


  1. I am so sorry Andreas, send you love

  2. My condolences Andreas, I am so glad you got there in time. A big hug!

  3. I am deeply sorry for your loss, Andreas. May you find comfort in knowing that our loved ones are never really gone. My most sincere condolences to you and your family.

    1. That is so much more than a comforting condolence, Aetherium. The much praised writer, Donald Spoto, interrupted one of his biographies to observe "God is not distant: those who have died are with God and are therefore not distant."
      God bless you and your family always, Andreas.

  4. As a Catholic from Cary, Illinois, I promise to pray for you and your mom with my rosary when I go to bed tonight.

  5. Andreas, she sounds amazing! Having to see her kids go before her must have been so hard. Yet she gave you so much. My prayers are with you and your family at this time.

  6. ..... "Gute Menschen gleichen Sternen, sie leuchten noch lange nach ihrem Erlöschen"

    Mein herzliches Beileid für sie und ihre Nichten! 😢

  7. Andreas -Please accept my sincere condolances on your dear mother's passing! She must have been quite extraordinary! My deepest sympathies to you and your dear family.
    Michael Goldberg

  8. My most sincere condolences. Blessed be your mom, for passing to her descendants the most precious gifts: love and a sense of humor.

  9. Andreas, please accept my deepest condolences. She sounds like a wonderful person and you were lucky to have her as a mother. I'm sure she was very proud of you.

  10. Andreas, my most sincere condolences.

  11. Sending prayers and love to you and your nieces. She sounds like such a blessing to the world. May you feel comforted in this time of grief.

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  13. Sorry to hear about your loss Andreas, just wanted to offer my condolences.

  14. die schönen Erinnerungen bleiben, dann ist Mama nicht mehr da, aber niemals weg! Herzliche Anteilnahme Christian

  15. Truly sorry for your loss Andreas. It is at least good to hear that you could be there to comfort her. I wish you and your nieces love and compassion during this difficult time.

  16. My most sincere condolences---I wish you all the best.

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  18. I just lost my own mother last year, so I know exactly how you feel Andreas.

  19. Sorry to hear this sad news Andreas, my condolences.Sounds like she was a wonderful person who was surely very proud on you! A hug for you in these difficult times.

  20. Andreas , i will pray for your mom and your family

  21. Awful new, Andreas, serious condolences. I hope you have people close to you back in America for support

  22. Lieber Andreas,
    meine herzliche und aufrichtige Anteilnahme.
    Es ist gut zu hören, dass Du trotz der Entfernung noch Abschied nehmen konntest.
    Ich bin zudem sehr traurig zu erfahren, dass Deine Schwester Regina vorausgegangen ist. Ich erinnere mich immer noch mit Freude an unser gemeinsames Treffen damals in Dinslaken. Sie war immer so wahnsinnig stolz auf ihren Bruder, "der Disney Künstler".
    Ich wünsche Dir in dieser Zeit ganz viel Kraft und trostspendende Freunde.

  23. I am so sorry for your loss. <3

  24. Sorry for your loss. Beautiful picture.

  25. Prayers for your mom and condolences to you and the family.

  26. Sorry for your loss... Prayers and condolences

  27. My deepest, most sincere condolences to you, Andreas. I'm so very sorry to hear of her passing, but hope and pray that your greatest memories with her will be of some consolation to you during such an incredibly difficult time. God bless you so much. Praying profusely for you tonight. <3

  28. Prayers in abundance. Your words are a loving testament to your wonderful mother. May your memories of her fill you with joy, Andreas. Much love.

  29. My condolences Andreas. All the strength and love for you.

  30. Condolences to you Andreas. So sorry about you loss.

  31. Dear Andreas, I have red all of your posts, but never before left a comment. Your blog means the world to me! I want to share my condolences with you. Wish you all the best, Mérande Hulshof

  32. Thank you everyone for your kind and thoughtful comments. I truly appreciate them all.

  33. Lieber Andreas, mein tief empfundenes Mitgefühl. Toll dass Du es trotz Corona noch geschafft hast mit Deine Mutter die letzten Stunden zu verbringen. Und vielen Dank dass Du auch solche Momente mit uns teilst. In Gedanken bei Dir und für das stille Gebet habe ich bereits einen schönen Platz gefunden.

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  35. das tut mir sehr, sehr leid, andreas, der tod deiner mutter und deiner beiden schwestern. ich kann mich noch gut an sie erinnern. jetzt sind wir beide allein, auch meine familie ist nicht mehr. du hast mir sehr geholfen, als hanne starb. ich habe es nicht vergessen. bitte pass auf dich auf

  36. Andreas, so sorry. I can relate, having lost my mother to Alzheimer's. Sending condolences. She will always be with you. At least that's my experience.

  37. Prayers for your mom, she's free and happy now in Heaven with your sisters! Stay strong Andreas!

  38. There is no pain deeper than losing your mother aside from losing a child. I am sure your mother is all you say she is so I am sure she is in peace and with God. Very sorry for your losses, Andreas.

  39. My condolences for your loss. Your words here and the way you depict her is sure a great hommage for her and her legacy. May God comfort your heart and the whole family. My prayers.

  40. Mein herzlichstes Beileid.

    Irgendwann in den 90er Jahren habe ich tatsächlich mal mit Ihrer Mutter telefoniert. Ich war noch in der Schule und wollte damals schon zum Trickfilm. Meine Kunstlehrerin hatte mich in Kontakt mit Ihrem Kunstlehrer von der Folkwangschule gebracht. Der gab mir dann die Telefonnummer Ihrer Mutter, mit der ich mich ein bisschen über Ihren Werdegang unterhielt, und wie man wohl zu Disney kommen könne.

    Ich kann mich an das Gespräch auch über zwanzig Jahren noch gut erinnern. Ihre Mutter war fantastisch freundlich und begeistert von Ihrer Karriere und meinem Ansinnen, es Ihnen gleich zu tun.

    Ich habe übrigens 2007 angefangen, als Trickfilmzeichner zu arbeiten, und tue es heute noch.

  41. Lieber Andreas Deja, mein herzlichstes Beileid. Es ist traurig zu lesen welch Schicksalsschläge Sie verkraften mussten. Über Ihre Schwester Regina hatte ich vor Jahren die Gelegenheit bekommen, ein Autogramm mit einer kleinen Zeichnung von Ihnen zu erhalten - ein sehr netter Kontakt.

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  43. I´m so sorry to read this. It must have been hard to deal with that in the distance, most of all after this year of horror and your previous losses, but you will always take with you those happy memories of the laughs and the moments together. A big hug from Gran Canaria!

  44. My deepest deepest condolences. May the peace of Christ rule in your heart.

  45. Memory Eternal. May she rest in peace.

    (I've also lost both my parents and my sister.)

  46. Hallo lieber Andreas, ich habe gerade Deinen Vortrag bei Spark Animation mit angehört, und sehe jetzt erst eine Nachricht über Deine Mutter. Das tut mir so Leid, ich bin froh dass Du noch rechtzeitig zu ihr reisen konntest. Meine Gedanken sind bei Dir.

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  48. So Sorry for your Loss!!!!! :( D: Let's Pray
