Friday, September 6, 2024

A Frank Thomas Birthday


Yesterday was Frank Thomas' 112th birthday. His work and the films he worked on have become timeless masterpieces. When reflecting on his animation career Frank said that he always felt lucky to have been at the right place at the right time. Aptly called "The Laurence Olivier of Animation" he set himself very high standards when it came to creating a performance. Someone asked Frank once about now he felt about his accomplishments. He responded by pointing out that 2 or 3 scenes (out of all he had done) met his standards. He did not say which ones. 

People who worked with him said that he was impossible to please. There was always...always room for improvements. Disney was so lucky to have such an animator who helped elevate the art form. 

The first photo shows him in his office working on Miss Bianca for The Rescuers, around 1976.

In the next pic we see Frank at the premiere for the film in 1977 along with actress Eva Gabor, who voiced Miss Bianca. 

Frank at his home in 2001. 

Just a handful of drawings that show Frank's versatility, his love for the performance, his sense for appeal and many other things. Genius.!!!

Much more here in this early post from 2011:


  1. Die beiden obigen Mickey Zeichnungen sind einfach nur zauberhaft! 😍
    Für mich persönlich die ausdruckstärksten Arbeiten, die sowohl auf dieser als auch auf der verlinkten Seite zu sehen sind! 😃
    Danke fürs Posten! 😚🤗

  2. hey, what are the odds? I just saw the bottom drawing on ebay a minute ago.
