Sunday, October 26, 2014

Milt's Llama

One of my all time favorite pieces if character animation is the Lake Titicaca sequence from the feature Saludos Amigos. The way the Llama interacts and reacts to Donald Duck and the little Peruvian Boy is so inspired, I could watch that section forever.
Milt had mastered the realistic locomotion of a different four-legged animal in Bambi.
With this character he just went to town. When the Llama tries to follow Donald’s flute playing, he comes up with some hilarious moves, including a charleston, but eventually looses his balance. I remember Milt talking about this long ago assignment: “Yeah, I did a llama there that was kind of screwy…not one of my better things, nothing to write home about.” Geeezz!
These frames come from Michael Sporn’s animation archive.

Go here for the full pencil test:

This is a Donald Duck watercolor sketch Milt did as part of the promotional material.

A while ago I found a B&W fuzzy reproduction of this Kahl sketch in a book. I couldn’t help it and recreated it in color.


  1. just amazing'! fanboy of this!^^!

  2. Hi Andreas! I emailed you back, but not sure if it has been going to your spam. Let me know, my email again is . *(by the way I LOVE Saludos Amigos and The 3 Caballeros, especially Pablo the Penguin haha). Best, Pablo

  3. when my nephew was little, he loved this sequence so much, he made me play llama & flute over and over again. I'd make the flute sounds, he'd get up or lie down, depending.

  4. Ein Charleston tanzendes Lama. 😆
    Diese Szene muss ich mir unbedingt auch Mal ansehen! 😄
    Danke für den Fingerzeig und das Teilen der Bilder! 😁
