Tuesday, November 1, 2022

At Amazon...


Get your copy!


  1. Beautiful book Andreas!!! I love it so much I got TWO copies ;D ....just like your Nine Old Men book ;)

  2. Thanks Jeff! Still can't believe I got to do this.

  3. Did you animated scar ''handsome rug'' in hercules

  4. Andreas, What an incredible book! It's so good that I actually purchased the actual book and the digital copy so I can view it on my computer or phone if I need some inspiration.

  5. "Walt Disney's The Jungle Book Making a Masterpiece".
    Ja, SCHMACHT! đŸ€©
    Auch wenn in meiner Region die Temperaturen so mild sind, dass hier die BananenbĂ€ume im Garten ohne GewĂ€chshaus gut durch den Winter kommen, fĂŒhle ich mich ein wenig kalt erwischt. 😌
    Mein Buchregal mit der thematischen Ausrichtung Comic-/Filmmaking und Filmlexika ist voll.
    Aber ihr Buch "The Nine Old Men" fĂŒhlt sich in der Gesellschaft meiner KunstbuchbildbĂ€nde und LehrbĂŒcher zum Thema Zeichnen und Origamifalten ohnehin viel wohler und hat sich dort an meine zwei DegasbildbĂ€nde gekuschelt. Und dann erst die exquisite Nachbarschaft zu den BildbĂ€nden von K. Kollwitz, V. v. Gogh, Michelangelo, El Greco, Caravaggio und, und, und ...
    Kurzum auch dieses Regal ist sehr gefragt, dass sich bei mir an anderer Stelle BĂŒcher auf der Warteliste befinden.
    Da "The Nine Old Men" so vieles abdeckt, kann ich getrost das Buch "Bilderbuchillustration-Die Kunst mit Zeichnungen Geschichten zu erzĂ€hlen" aussortieren. Somit hĂ€tte ich dann Platz fĂŒr...

    Auch wenn ich BĂŒcher liebe, ich denke es wird an der Zeit fĂŒr ein Kindel! 😩

  6. Well, Andreas Deja, I was actually thinking of getting your recent book on Disney's 1967 Jungle Book movie as well as another book title, The Art of James Cameron's AVATAR: The Way of Water (the film for which I just can't wait to see in IMAX 3-D on December 16), among other things, for this Christmas. After all, I heard that Disney's 1967 Jungle Book Movie help directly inspire you to make your mark and hit it big as a Disney animator on everyone from The Little Mermaid's King Triton to Lilo and Sitich's Lilo to such 90s Disney villains like Gaston, Jafar and Scar (From Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin and Lion King, respectively) as well as Roger Rabbit for Richard Williams (otherwise most famous for his unfinished Thief and the Cobbler epic). Also, Andreas, I heard that the vultures who befriends Mowgli in Disney's 1967 Jungle Book movie were reportedly inspired by The Beatles (of whom Lord of the Rings director Peter Jackson of New Zealand was a huge fan, and for which Yellow Submarine is best known in animation circles). As for Avatar: The Way of Water (the art of and visual dictionary books for which is pictured), I have seen the new trailer for it, and it was epic and majestic at the very same time, and I'm sure that the 3-D effects are going to be greater than those for the original 2009 Avatar film.

  7. My copy arrived just now ^^ I'll be reading it during my New Year's break. Have a lovely NYE, Andreas!
